“I am dealing with the classic elements of sculpture; form, volume, surface and edge. This current, nine-year body of work is the result of a continued reductive investigation of those sculptural elements. Minimalism is not strived for in these pieces but is referenced as a result of reducing these elements to simple yet engaging geometric formats.

Many of my pieces have curved bottoms and incorporate the element of motion. I also find it interesting to position pieces that do not move to a few degrees off of plumb and center to imply arrested movement.

I work within a limited range of shapes, edge treatments and angles of repose. Juxtaposing these elements into multiple formats is the primary focus of my continued development of this body of work. Each piece starts out with the development of a two dimensional profile. When the profile and the stance is deemed right, it needs the 3rd dimension, depth. This is achieved by thinking of the profile as a seashell. How and where the two opposite hand forms are separated and or remain attached defines the volume and offers up how the edges will be treated with the maximum width typically being at the bottom of the piece. I do resort to the weighting of some forms to get the stance to my liking. It has to be believable, even if unattainable without the ballast, to maintain the desired orientation.

My intent is to be nonspecific in alluding to recognizable objects, in other words, non-objective. The titles given to each piece, must work on multiple levels of interpretation so as not to be construed as dogmatic or overly descriptive but more poetic in nature.

I want the viewer to bring their personal references to the work and find their unique connection to the pieces. I want the pieces to allow the viewer to slowdown, have a quiet, meditative like experience when contemplating these works, and hopefully walk away with a fresh way of seeing and experiencing the world around them.”

Steve Murphy

Contact Us

The William Havu Gallery
1040 Cherokee Street
Denver, CO 80204

Telephone: 303.893.2360
Fax: 303.893.2813

Open Hours

Tuesday – Friday  10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday  11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed on Sundays and Mondays.


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