Curt Sulland was born in Florida and soon moved to Chicago where he was raised. Having a great interest in art from an early age, Curt went to work at the National Zoo in Washington DC as a graphic artist for several years. Curt then pursued a career in construction law and also has been focused on creating sculptures of glass and steel since 2000.
“My sculptures are an amalgamation of many different concepts including constructivism, modernism, brutalism, contemporary, as well as minimalism. I desire to use elements that have not been combined before in a particular manner. My father was a Chicago architect and architectural elements still  significantly influence me. Steel and glass are a tribute to humankind’s urban accomplishments. I search for handsome beauty which respects the past but creates unexplored results.  I seek to produce meditative pieces that can be as engaging as watching a fire, the birthplace of both glass and steel.”

Contact Us

The William Havu Gallery
1040 Cherokee Street
Denver, CO 80204

Telephone: 303.893.2360
Fax: 303.893.2813

Open Hours

Tuesday – Friday  10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday  11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed on Sundays and Mondays.


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